Buckets and Birdies

Buckets and Birdies
Co-Pilots for Life: Greta and Mary Katharine

Monday, March 5, 2012

It is Monday, and it is NOT turning out to be a magical week. Greta has another ear infection AND she is constipated. SUPER. She is SO MUCH FUN to be around right now. Hopefully the pink bubble gum medicine will start working. If not, I'm throwing into the backyard to be cared for by the squirrels and Biscuit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my friend, we have journeyed down this road before... Poor Greta. There is another type of antibiotic that Jack was on (instead of "the pink stuff" it was "the white stuff") and judging by his face - it never tasted good. It did it's job though. Hope your week gets better!
