Buckets and Birdies

Buckets and Birdies
Co-Pilots for Life: Greta and Mary Katharine

Friday, May 4, 2012

This is Greta eating her morning biscuit, i.e, blueberry waffle.  She enjoys this time, because it allows her moments to reflect on her previous night's sleep as well as the day's activities.  This is also a time for her to focus on creating a "situation" that would entail a new thorax, i.e., diaper.  This is also the time when Biscuit and Beans come out of the woodwork to steal Greta's crumbs when they fall to the floor, or when she turns her head.  Biscuit is a master at thievery, taking several pieces of food in an instant.  Beans, on the other hand, is much more low key---she usually takes this time to get lots of pets and rubs from me.  (Which is followed by a short walk to a nearby closet for rest and relaxation). 

Greta also uses this time to work a bit until the snack time hour---tinkering with a spatula, block, or random sock.

You may also notice that her hair looks extra "flat."  Yep, that is what going to bed without a bathies will do.

FYI---she did poop twice today AND there was NO poop in the bathtub.

If you look closely at this picture, it may resemble a certain Ewok named Wicket, enjoying a tasty snack (this scene can be viewed in the great motion picture, The Ewok Adventure: The Battle for Endor.)
Here is a clip from this amazing film.  No treats for Wicket, but if you watch the whole movie, you'll see plenty.

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