Sorry it has taken so long to update G's blog. Needless to say, slinging sandwiches and cleaning toilets has taken up a great deal of time. While I am not complaining, blogging and keeping a clean house have fallen to the wayside. The first pics are from Greta's 2nd Birthday---a truly magical day, celebrating her unicorn powers and the amazingness of our family. The last two were from our most recent trip to the Fort Wayne Zoo---riding a pony and catching some drops of water from a rainforest waterfall were crossed off our list of things to do. We recently had some special visitors this past weekend---the Schmidbauer's (Sam and Irene), bringing their newest member, Baby Eliza. Always a treat, Sam was delightful as ever, talking up a storm and expressing his interest in watermelon and playing outside. I learned a thing or two from Sam's dad, Eric, discussing Economics and how I am clearly not informed about this subject. Eliza is a magical unicorn with a very small fanny, soft feet, and birdy hairs. Irene is pretty much awesome.
Greta started her First Steps speech therapy this week, hoping to bridge the gap with her speech delay with help of Ms. Jennifer, her speech therapist. We are working on Greta independently asking for things with small words that she already knows, such as "please." Putting two word phrases together is also a current job, specifically, "More____" or "Mommy, no." This is pretty challenging for kids with speech delays, as their little toddler brains can't keep all the motor demands at the same speed. Talking is the most difficult motor skill to refine----She is definitely improving, and we hope First Steps will help supplement the private services she is receiving at Parkview.
At her 2 year check up, she measured in the 50% percentile for height and 75% percentile in weight---she is 29 pounds and 33 1/2 inches tall. Quite the difference from 19" long and 7.3 lbs at birth.
Like most toddlers, she loves playing with water---her kiddy pool, water table, sprinkler, etc. She also loves playing her babies, pushing her stroller, blowing bubbles, coloring, playing with stickers, and playing with her toy house and toy cash register. She is very aware of her environment--paying close attention to the noises she hears outside, especially trains, birds, and airplanes. She started enjoying Bubble Guppies in the morning, the one cartoon she is allowed to watch. I actually think that has helped a bit with her speech---the dialogue is very easy to follow, and there are phrases that are heard in every episode. She loves listening to music in the car and dancing (which usually involves stomping one foot and clapping out of rhythm.
We aren't even close to potty training, though she is very familiar with poop, in all forms, specially, dog poop. In the yard. From Beans and Biscuit.
Because of my hectic work schedule, we have a new babysitter, Kiersten, who is fabulous. She is a mother of four with a crazy house, loaded with toys, dogs, and activities. She doesn't drink pop, her kids play sports, and she enjoys a glass of wine from time to time. My kind of lady.
We are fortunate to have the support of Dave's parents, Jim and Joan, during the week. They are able to pick Greta up from the sitter when I have a cleaning job that runs late, or a dinner shift at the restaurant. I am thankful for them everyday. I wish I could give them more, because of all the help and support they've given us since we've been in Fort Wayne.
The lawsuit is moving forward---the attorney filed last week. We should hear some sort of response within six months. Hopefully, by next year, we'll have made some progress on a settlement.
Here are some of G's favorites:
Good Night Moon (book)
mowing the lawn with her bubble mower
going on bike rides
playing cashier with her cash register/scanner
opening/shutting doors