Laughing at Pepe. She loves him. (She also was enjoying the fan. Fan watching is a great pastime for a 3 month old.)
Mary Katharine has definitely blossomed into a whippersnapper. When she is awake, she is AWAKE. Arms and legs moving at full speed, lots of talking, laughing, staring at the fan, and looking at whoever is talking. She loves Greta, and Greta loves her. She was extremely fussy for the first several weeks that she was home. I contributed it to reflux, an immature digestive system, and an overall uneasiness. I took matters into my own hands and decided to take her to the chiropractor. I am all about "hula-boola" medicine, as it has predated traditional Western medicine. The chiro was very certain she and I were out of sync and MK's neck was out of whack. After some minor "adjustments" which included hanging her upside down, she literally relaxed right in front of me. We followed our chiro appointment with an infant massage, which definitely helped. MK seems to be a child that is extremely sensitive to her external environment---observant, bright eyed, strong, and stubborn. She is clearly a different child than Greta---Greta was a great sleeper, eater, and content to be held. MK is a woman with her own mind. Thankfully, she is sleeping better, enjoys the swing and bouncy seat, and seems more comfortable in her own skin. I will say I know she is my child because she loves being outside, as I seem to produce BIOPHILE children. (Afterall, she was borged into the world in a birdy nest.)
And some more big milestones......
I have been selfishly dreading this day since she was born. It is a direct indication that she is growing up and there isn't a damn thing I can do to stop it. I understand and accept that I can no longer stimulate her at home with activities and school is the best place for her. She had a great morning (she goes MWF, 9-1130) and was excited to return on Friday. Her teachers are both vets in the preschool department--teaching for more than 30 years each. I met a few moms at the open house last week, and I was super amped that one is from Ferndale!!! (Detroit, what?) My fears is that she will develop insecurities about her glasses, her speech, or any thing that may be "different." Clearly, these are my OWN fears that affect MY EGO. I am sure she will be just fine! I want her school experience to be a positive one, as my schooling through high school sucked. (I didn't find my strengths as a student until later in college.) She attends speech class on Tuesday mornings, which seem to also be going well. I know her experiences and time in a traditional classroom will greatly help her speech---another reason for her to attend preschool. But most importantly, her preschool has a classroom rabbit--Truman. The man of every hour.