Buckets and Birdies

Buckets and Birdies
Co-Pilots for Life: Greta and Mary Katharine

Thursday, March 14, 2013

And let's play a little game of catch-up:

Greta is approaching age 2 with gusto and magic.  She is super busy playing with her kitchen, pushing her stroller, bothering the dogs, and eating sausage links in the morning.  She loves being outside and interacting with any child that will give her the time of day, specifically, the neighbor kids and Amanda Dunaway's offspring.  I look forward to warmer weather and having Greta enjoy the yard and driveway for more than 30 minutes. 

We have just returned home after a 3 day stay at Riley in Indianapolis.  G had a 3 day EEG in an effort to get some of her episodes on paper and film.  We are hopeful we'll have some answers to our concerns.  In the meantime, we are going to start her on Keppra, an anti-seizure medicine that will hopefully stop her episodes all together.  She continues physical and occupational to build her strength, coordination, and balance.  She is also starting speech therapy, as she has demonstrated a delay with her talking, rather, speaking English (not Ewok or Unicorn--because she is fluent.  Thankfully, every dog we come across totally understands her.  I do too.)  She had tubes put in her ears last week and it has made a HUGE difference---she can actually hear us, and we know because she is making sounds she's never made before.  Hopefully, with speech she can become more understandable by the end of the summer.

G is getting fitted for new shoes tomorrow.  We will be seeing a pedorthopaedist who will get her into a shoe that will help with her pronation/toe crossing issue.  That is caused by poor muscle tone which the brain controls---she has white matter loss from her delivery, which causes certain muscles not to "flex" when they should----i.e., straightening her legs and flexing her foot muscles.  I am hoping for something amazing that does not have anything to do with princesses.  I hate princesses---they are lazy women who rely too much on men to make their lives happen.  Not okay.

All in all, we still wait patiently for some news about the lawsuit.  I spoke with the attorney last month and he mentioned they were "Striking the Panel."  I guess this means they are picking their dodgeball team in gym class.  I trust him and have faith that we will get some settlement to help with the medical bills.  I am dreading this EEG bill.  Ugh. 

I am thankful Greta is NOT a Riley kid---those kiddos who spend months getting treatments.  It is really so sad.  I have decided that Greta's birthday philanthropy with be collecting new toys and travel size toiletries for the Neuro floor.  I want to help make family stays more enjoyable.  I am also thinking about starting a small non profit that provides "care packages" to families that have to spend extended amounts of time at the hospital---slippers, toiletries, dvd's, books, magazines, gift cards, games, blankets, robes, soft towels, snacks, etc.  Feedback is always welcome on my suggestion. 

Greta's hot dance moves ala' cords and buttons:


  1. Loved catching up with you through your blog! Love you girls!

  2. You are an awesome mommy...she is so lucky to have you working hard to get her what she needs :) XO

  3. I love your blog. Even tho we talk almost every day, your written words dig deeper than the quickie "what's up" banter. I admire your ability to keep things in perspective, to not let Greta's issues run your life. Affect it, yes---can't escape that. But you try to see the glass half full, and to continually be thankful for your blessings and work hard to make the best of any situation. We're always kidding about Greta being a "strong woman"---well, just look at her mom.
    Love you!
