Buckets and Birdies

Buckets and Birdies
Co-Pilots for Life: Greta and Mary Katharine

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Apparently Greta has been secretly doing Weight Watchers......at her 9 month check up today, she appeared to have lost weight! Her current stats:

Height: 28 inches (50 %)
Weight: 21.9 pounds (90 %)
Head Circumference: 45.8 cm (95%)

This is interesting, considering last visit to the doctor (6 weeks ago), she weight 22.5 pounds! It must be all of the bouncing and rolling she's been doing. Yes, she walks, but with her trusty assistant (Dad). No crawling yet....but maybe it is coming soon.

She already has one tooth, another one on the bottom that is about to break through. The doctor mentioned that the two on the top are about to come through as well, which explains why she's been sleeping so poorly.

She is developmentally right on target (10 months). We need to continue to "challenge" her to crawl, as well as introduce her to new foods and textures. She definitely struggles with new textures.

She surely has foods she loves: squash, mangoes, chicken, avocado, and bananas. We are going to skip the puffs and just do Cheerios from now on. Apparently, she has some sort of rice intolerance.

She definitely has a personality---she is super easy-going, but definitely knows how to "ham it up." She'll make her Kermit the Frog face if she is vying for attention. She is independent and affectionate. She has toys that she seems to gravitate toward (her starting line up--see below):

I should also mention her giraffe, Vernon, is a part of her starting lineup. When I say starting lineup, I mean key players in Greta's everyday life. She actually "looks" for Vern when he falls overboard (she pushes him off her exersaucer play deck). Vern is one of many:

Vern's life partner and lifetime member of Noah's Ark crew.

a handknit doll, made by Greta's cousins Madelyn and Emily.

a duck that came with her play gym. He was down from day one.

another giraffe in her crew. He is also best friends with William.

her white sparkly unicorn puppet. A gift from Jack and Josie Becker.

one of her Fisher Price Little People. She also rides the bus to school.

Farmer Ted,
another Little People. He mans the farm stand in the summer.

Ms. Cleo,
her light up lullaby crib puppy. Cleo was Greta's first friend.

Cleo (no prefix),
a gift from Ms. Randi. She has fluffy purple hair.

another crib friend. A gift from Grammy Jan.

There are several other key figures that are not mentioned. I will surely post a picture tonight of her gang, along with her 9 month photo shoot.

Happy Thursday!

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