Buckets and Birdies

Buckets and Birdies
Co-Pilots for Life: Greta and Mary Katharine

Thursday, March 1, 2012

If you look closely, you can see a baby cow in the hay. Yep, that little lady was just a few minutes old when we came into the birthing barn. My friend, Mackinzie, and her son, Oliver, joined Greta and I on our trip to Chicago. We decided to make a much-needed pit stop to corral some unnecessary crying. This is what we got.....baby cows and more baby cows.

This cows in this area were born earlier in the day. Two sets of twins, and a single birth. They were very cute and looked a lot like Biscuit. Sadly, they only get to spend about 45 minutes with their mommas after they were hatched. I think this is animal cruelty. I don't drink milk, so I don't believe I am contributing to this problem.

Oliver showing Greta the crawling "ropes." Notice her nice, wide base? Yep, I'm sure she'll use this in volleyball tryouts in a few years. Until then, Oliver is her mentor in this department. Her outfit? Compliments of Grammy Gigi (Jan).

Some updates:

Greta's first tooth has broken through her gum....several doses of Tylenol have kept our family afloat. It is obvious another one is coming in.....she is constantly chewing on anything she can get her flesh mittens on. Poor thing.

Greta has some rice allergy. I swear, every time she eats something with rice flour or rice in it, she has a red fanny and clay-like poop. NOT OKAY. I've tried oatmeal and whole grains, and they don't seem to bother her as much. She enjoys these Gerber breakfast bars I found in the baby food aisle---much like a Nutri-grain bar. She is still processing through this whole "texture" phase.

I can say Greta enjoys most other foods you put in front of her.....she LOVES squash, bananas, prunes, mangoes, avocado, cheese, and sweet potatoes. I am trying to mix it up, hoping to raise a non-picky eater. (Dana and my mom are SUPER picky. NOT OKAY.)

I am no longer embarrassed to say my almost 9 month old daughter is NOT crawling and now wears a size 12 months. I'm okay with this. Really. She is healthy and we strive to maintain a healthy body image around here. I, on the other hand, would like some Botox and a smaller butt.

1 comment:

  1. um, my baby is 5 months and is wearing size 12 month clothes, so i think greta will be just fine :)
