Buckets and Birdies

Buckets and Birdies
Co-Pilots for Life: Greta and Mary Katharine

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I have finally figured out when Greta has been receiving D-'s on the sleep chalkboard for the last several weeks.  While this is NOT rocket science, or some deeply intricate sewing pattern, clearly, I have NOT been smart enough to figure it out.  I GIVE YOU......................Teething.  Yep, once again, this little "blip" in her life's roadmap will include several weeks of non-sleepy night times, all because of teeth.  Teeth blow.  NO ONE told me how hard this was going to be---breastfeeding was a snap compared to this.  NOT TO MENTION teething, paired with a growth spurt, and throwing in a flair for throwing things---yep, I'm dealing with a almost-11-month-old monster.  Aside from whipping her sucky (pacifier) out of her crib at night, aside from getting her foot tangled in the spokes (crib bars) or her crib, ASIDE from gas, Greta is not being a good sleeper.  This absolutely sucks.  So I am once again going to call up my Columbian drug lord friends for some sweet deals on Children's Ibuprofen.  I understand that Greta is not old enough to understand the true healing magical powers of rubbing Beanie's ears OR the tender feeling of slapping on a clean pair of sweatpants.  Until then, we are back on the sauce.  THEN maybe I can get some shut eye.  Until then, enjoy:


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